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Travel Spotlights


Kristin Neff


At Northeastern, the question isn't whether or not to go abroad, it's when. I decided to participate in a dialogue this past summer, after my freshman year. Between four cities, countless espressos, endless pasta, and crowded trains, I had the experience of a lifetime. I learned how to adapt to new cultures, see the history in buildings, and even learned a little Italian.

My architecture class consisted of classroom time in the mornings and guided tours of the cities in the afternoon. In between, we had the typical Italian lunch- hours long, with three courses and never any hurry. Classroom time consisted of learning to sketch, which was a completely new experience for me. In our first class, we learned how to draw straight lines (which is a lot harder than it sounds!). By the end, we were drawing the Colosseum and making floor plans of Renaissance palaces. My favorite story of our class time is when a blind man took us on a tour of Rome. As a young architecture professor, he began to lose his sight and started to memorize the facades and layouts of buildings. He would tell us exactly how many windows were on a building and never missed a turn. It was definitely an experience I'll never forget, and one that motivated me to follow my passions no matter what. 

I will never forget my adventures abroad and will always cherish the amazing people and places I saw there. 


Anya Losik and Marina Hess


It was last Spring when we realized we had chosen to go on the same dialogue for Summer 1 in Russia. We chose this program mostly because of the location and itinerary, having no idea that any sisters would be going as well. Russia is an amazing country that most people may never have the chance to visit, and we couldn't believe we were about to - together!! This trip started in Saint Petersburg on the western coast of Russia and had stops in Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk (Siberia), Tomsk (Siberia), Nizhniy Novgorod, and ended in Moscow. The transportation between cities included traveling on a plane, short distance train and long-distance train on the Trans-Siberian Railroad. For us, the highlight of this trip was being able to fully immerse ourselves in Russian culture. We were able to experience things such as ballet performances in well-known theatres, banyas (or Russian saunas), and traditional Russian cuisine. We even went to one of the best restaurants in the world, The White Rabbit. The opportunity to travel as sisters has brought us much closer, and definitely allowed us to make amazing memories that we know we'll have for a lifetime!

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